Version 6.1 is Here!

.NET 9 support and other improvements

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Unique feature
Exclusive Flexible TreeView feature that is not available in any other treeview, listview, or grid control on the market.
Node control
Part of a node that displays and edits the node class's data.
Node row
Group of node controls representing a single node.
Node control editor
A visual control that allows editing the node control's bound data.
  • Customize any part of the treeview, fully or partially, modify behaviors, images, colors, color gradients, or fonts of the tree, even within the System theme.
  • Apply global visual themes for all treeviews or individual themes per treeview. Customize any aspect of existing themes or create your own.
  • Columns with multi-column sorting support.
  • HTML text tags support.
  • Text auto-wrapping that is accessible by changing just one property.
  • Extended data binding. Many data source types are supported. Possibility to easily mix bound and unbound columns or nodes.
  • Easily host custom controls both in a node or in an expandable area.
  • Possibility to merge columns content to provide a very professional user interface in a minute.
  • Complete support of data summaries with very flexible customization.
  • Ability to display content on multiple levels within a node.
  • Possibility to display any data on the left side of the plus-minus sign.
  • Popups built-in support to pop up any content from a node.
  • Image animation built-in support to highlight specific nodes and attract the user's attention.
  • Ability to replace any internal control (node control's editors, scroll bars, tooltip providers) with a third-party or your own control to give your application a personalized, consistent look.
  • Advanced and easy-to-use drag & drop support:
    1. Various drag & drop options available: within a single treeview, between multiple treeviews, or between a treeview and other controls.
    2. Automatically move or copy dragged nodes without writing a single line of code.
    3. Auto-expand and collapse of nodes under the mouse cursor for easier node dragging.
    4. Informative drop position and customizable thumbnail image near the mouse cursor.
  • Smart vertical scroll - automatically adjusts the horizontal position of the focused node when you scroll the treeview vertically. This speeds up the treeview navigation without horizontal scrolling.
  • Different modes of node content sorting:
    1. Single or multi-column sorting.
    2. Three (asc, desc, none) or two (asc, desc) sort orders.
    3. You decide what node content to include in the sorting process.
    4. Selective sorting at any node level. You can sort even a specific node with children while keeping other nodes untouched.
    5. Implement your own custom sorting algorithm in a minute.
  • Anti-aliasing support.
  • Alpha blending for every part of the treeview: You can improve the look and feel of your treeview using semi-transparent colors.
  • Change the treeview background settings as needed: set plain or gradient color, put an image or watermark with various layouts.
  • Powerful and easy-to-use design-time support for core data types such as color, color gradient, border, etc., with a useful on-the-fly preview.
  • Highlighting odd and even rows.
  • Full keyboard navigation support.
  • Tooltips support for whole node, specific node control, or column header.
  • TreeComboBox separate free control to show the combo box with a treeview as a dropdown.
  • Override an existing or define your own visual style of the node for each state (Hot, Selected, Focused) to fulfill the needs of your end-users.
  • Ability to easily control nodes visibility in run-time.
  • Dynamic (depends on the content) or static node height support. It allows applying outstanding visual effects by using our unique expandable node controls.
  • The child node's style and behavior can be inherited from the parent node.
  • Soft selection mode - state-of-the-art feature, which allows you to view additional node content when you mouse hover over a node, without selecting a node, which appreciably speeds up data viewing.
  • On-demand node population enables populating child nodes only when the parent node is expanded.
  • Different node selection modes:
    1. Single - allows to select only one node at a time.
    2. Multi - allows to select multiple nodes.
    3. Multi on the same level - allows to select many nodes on the same level.
    4. Multi within the same parent - allows to select only sibling nodes within the common parent.
  • Different node highlight modes:
    1. FullRow - highlights the entire node row.
    2. Partial - highlights only node controls.
    3. ContentOnly - highlights node controls except non-interactive node controls.
  • Single expand mode automatically expands the focused node and collapses all other nodes in the treeview. This enables you to quickly view only the data you need without the clutter of other nodes.
  • Always expanded mode - keeps all nodes expanded for quick navigation.
  • Different node styles:
    1. Selectable - defines whether the node can be selected.
    2. Hoverable - highlights the node under the mouse cursor.
    3. Enabled - whether the node can interact with the end user.
    4. AllowExpand - whether the node can be expanded.
    5. AllowCollapse - whether the node can be collapsed.
  • Text hot tracking support.
  • Node state image support - assign different icons for each node state, such as expanded and collapsed, to enhance the visual representation of your treeview.

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Node Controls
  • Unlimited node controls quantity for viewing and editing data in the treeview. No more ugly nodes with text and icons only.
  • Built-in node control types to show different types of your data:
    1. PlusMinus - allows you to move the plus-minus sign to any column.
    2. TextBox - displays text data.
    3. CheckBox - shows a checkbox or radio button. Supports three or two check states and different interactive check modes (the parent node's check state is auto-calculated based on the children nodes' check state).
    4. Image - displays an image. Allows you to show an eye-catching image animation.
    5. ComboBox - shows a combo box.
    6. Numeric - displays numeric values.
    7. DateTime - allows to display and edit the date and time in the treeview node.
    8. Button - allows to display a button control inside a node and handle its clicks.
    9. ExpandableTextBox - (read below).
    10. ExpandablePanel - (read below).
    11. ControlContainer - hosts any custom control inside a node. Easily customize exact node states when your custom control will be visible.
    12. ExpandableControlContainer - hosts any custom control in the expandable area of an expandable node control. I.e. display you custom control only when the mouse hovers over the node.
    13. ColorPicker - allows to select a color or color gradient from a treeview without writing a single line of code.
    14. Link - allows to insert a clickable hyperlink.
    15. PaintBox - allows to paint any custom content in the node.
    16. PopupContainer - allows to display any custom content in the popup. So treeview stays clear and understandable while informative for separate nodes.
    17. Separator - shows the separator horizontal line in the node.
    18. ProgressBar - allows to display the progress bar in the treeview node.
    19. ColumnBackground - allows for easy customization of the node background color based on the displayed node instance.
    20. Marker - draws vertical colored lines along the left border of the treeview.
  • Expandable text box - allows you to show only a title text when the node is not focused and the title text plus a description text when the node is focused or under the mouse cursor (when the soft selection is enabled). That allows you to not overload the treeview with information, to be intuitive and understandable, while at the same time providing more information on the selected node.
  • Expandable panel - identical to the Expandable text box above, but it allows you to display custom content (static or dynamic) in the expandable area in an impressive and very professional way.
  • In-place node data editing with the ability to deny the editing for a particular node control.
  • View static or dynamic content in the node. You can create flexible, informative, and dynamic treeview.
  • Easy replacement of all edit controls with third-party vendor controls or your own to give your application a personalized, consistent look. No more messy applications with two or more control styles.
  • Dynamic or static filtering of node control visibility for every node or column that allows you to display only the data you need.
  • Ability to exclude any node control from the sorting algorithm or write own algorithm.
  • Node control can fill all the available space of a column or whole treeview to show large content.
  • Node control can be shown on multiple levels to create stunning UX.
  • You can easily control the visibility of every node control and for every node, show a tooltip for each node control, and apply content alignment and padding.
  • Column controls for faster user productivity and better user experience.
  • Auto-fit columns within treeview.
  • Switch the column visibility with a single property.
  • Show or hide the columns header.
  • Node control can span the specified columns count to provide a professional UI.
  • Different column styles allow to auto-size the column content, allow or deny the column resizing, drag & drop, or switch the column visibility.
  • Customizable font, background, icon, width, text color, and alignment for every column header.
System requirements
Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 7 - 11
.NET Framework 4.6 - 4.8.1, .NET 6 - 9
Windows Forms
Visual Studio:
2017, 2019, 2022