Yes, a free, fully functional 30-day trial version of Flexible TreeView is available for download on our Download page. The trial version operates just like the registered version, allowing you to experience all features in action. Only a nag screen will remind you that it is an evaluation.
The trial version cannot be used in a production environment.
Each new Developer License includes a 12-month Subscription for free technical support and updates.
Each new Source Code License includes a 12-month Subscription for free updates, but no technical support is provided for Source Code licenses.
Once your Subscription expires, you can continue using your Flexible TreeView license in any existing or new applications, but you won't receive future updates or technical support.
After your Subscription expires, you have the option to renew it at a discount for another 12 months of free updates and technical support. This ensures you stay up-to-date with the latest versions and continue to receive support for any technical questions.
Please note that you are eligible to renew your expired Subscription only within 30 days of the expiration date. After 30 days, you will need to purchase a new license(s) to receive free updates and technical support.
No. Renewing your subscription in subsequent years is entirely your choice if you wish to receive new updates and our technical support for free. Refer to our EULA for more information.
For detailed license terms, please refer to the EULA.
Every engineer (developer, QA, etc.) who directly or indirectly uses software that includes the Flexible TreeView component must obtain a separate Developer License.
Since the License is assigned to a company or an individual, if the same engineer works for or on behalf of multiple companies, a separate Developer License is required for each company where the Flexible TreeView component will be used.
If you are an individual engineer (freelancer, etc.) working for multiple companies or individuals, you must obtain a separate Developer License for each client (company or individual) where the Flexible TreeView component will be used.
Regardless of the number of computers an engineer with a Developer License is using, the same Developer License can be used on all of them within the same company.
Please note that to prevent fraudulent orders, a temporary license may be issued to some customers without formal notification. Such a temporary license must be explicitly replaced by a permanent license when the initial license expires. The expiration date of these temporary licenses varies per customer, and when such a temporary license expires, an appropriate error message is shown when your application is built.
Licensing is per engineer, not per machine, so you don't need an additional license for a dedicated build, test, CI, or similar machine. Simply apply your existing Developer License to that machine.
No, we do not offer a site license, but we do provide excellent discounts for license packs. Check them out on our Buy Now page.
No, there are no runtime licensing fees or royalties for the Flexible TreeView component. As long as you own the appropriate number of Developer Licenses, you are all set.
Yes, you can purchase the Flexible TreeView Source Code License, which includes 12 months of free updates. Flexible TreeView is a .NET component written in C#, so the source code you receive will be in C#. Free updates to the source code will be available within 2 weeks after a new Flexible TreeView release.
Please note:
You may not sell or distribute:
You may sell an application that uses the compiled source code or a modification of it, but with restrictions stated in the EULA.
We offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our product for any reason, we will refund your money, no questions asked.
No returns or refunds are accepted for Source Code License or its renewal orders.
To place an order, please visit our Buy page, select the desired license type(s) and quantity, and click the Checkout button.
A discount is applied based on the quantity of selected licenses and is displayed next to each license type.
If you have a coupon code, you can enter it after clicking the Checkout button by clicking the 'I have a discount coupon' link under the order summary.
Orders are typically processed within 1 business day but may take up to 2 business days. Once your order is processed and payment is received, you will receive a registration email at the address you provided when placing the order. Please follow the steps in the email to install your license.
We offer discounts for bulk purchases of new licenses. Enter the number of licenses you want to purchase on the order page to see your discount.
To provide you with high quality purchasing process in a secure environment, we cooperate with the international software registration service 2Checkout (now Verifone).
If you have questions about payments, ordering procedures, or if you have ordered Flexible TreeView and would like to review your order information, please visit Shopper support page.
You can download the latest trial version of Flexible TreeView from the Download page.
The registered Flexible TreeView installation and license keys are sent electronically to the email address you provided when placing an order.
The delivery is free and incurs no additional shipping fees.
Please contact us at, and we will provide you with the latest version eligible for your license.
Please note that if your License Subscription has expired, you are entitled to the latest version released before your Subscription expired, which may not be the most recent. Keep your License Subscription renewed to receive the latest version and our technical support.
We want you to benefit from our product long after the initial purchase and installation, and we are committed to resolving any issues to your satisfaction.
We offer support via email at
Please include the following information in your support request:
Please send your support requests from your registered email address to
Support requests are typically processed within 1 business day, but it may take up to 3 business days to resolve your issue.
If you do not receive our response within the specified time, it means we didn't get your message, possibly due to spam filtering on either side. Try changing the subject and/or content of your message and send it again. If you still don't receive a response, please contact us.