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Design-time support

Flexible TreeView contains extensive abilities to control the treeview appearance and behavior in design-time.

The main properties, available in the Visual Studio's designer:

  • Options - list of all treeview's common settings.
  • NodeControls - node controls list.
  • Columns - columns list.
  • Colors - colors list to override the current theme.
  • Images - images list to override the current theme.
  • Node styles:
    • HotNodeStyle - node under the mouse cursor style settings.
    • SelectedNodeStyle - selected node style settings.
    • FocusedNodeStyle - focused node style settings.
    • SoftSelectedNodeStyle - soft selected node style settings.
  • Theme - current theme.
  • TextStyle - common text style settings.
  • Background - background and watermark settings.
  • DataBinding - data binding settings.
  • DragDropOptions - drag & drop settings.
  • Tooltips - tooltips settings.

Color & color gradient edit#

You can change any color or gradient using the Colors property in the Visual Studio form designer with the very useful on-the-fly-preview feature.

Color gradient designer