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The NodeColumnBackground node control allows you to easily draw the node background with different colors that are stored in each node instance. To adjust custom background for a node, you need to add the property of type System.Drawing.Color (Nullable type is supported as well. See the note below) into the node class as shown below.

private class MyColorNode : Node
    public Color? BackColor;
Private Class MyColorNode
    Inherits Node
    Public Property BackColor As System.Nullable(Of Color)
End Class


The BackColor property in the example above is of Nullable<Color> type. If a nullable property is bound to the NodeColumnBackground node control and has null value, then node background will not be changed.

After that, you need to bind this new property to the NodeColumnBackground node control using standard technique - DataFieldName property:

BindableControl nodeBackColor = new NodeColumnBackground();
// Node back color is stored in the BackColor node property.
nodeBackColor.DataFieldName = "BackColor";
Dim nodeBackColor As BindableControl = New NodeColumnBackground()
' Node back color is stored in the BackColor node property.
nodeBackColor.DataFieldName = "BackColor"

That's it. Now, by changing the BackColor property of each node, you are able to control its background color, as shown in the example below.

class MyColorNode : Node
    public Color? BackColor;

// Add node controls.
NodeTextBox tb = new NodeTextBox();

NodeColumnBackground nodeBackColor = new NodeColumnBackground();
nodeBackColor.DataFieldName = "BackColor";

// Add nodes.
MyColorNode root = new MyColorNode();
root.Text = "Scheduled tasks";

MyColorNode child = new MyColorNode();
child.Text = "Buy milk";
child.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen;

child = new MyColorNode();
child.Text = "Call Mary";
child.BackColor = Color.Red;

child = new MyColorNode();
child.Text = "Read new book";
child.BackColor = null;
Class MyColorNode
    Inherits Node
    Public Property BackColor As System.Nullable(Of Color)
End Class

' Add node controls.
Dim tb As New NodeTextBox()

Dim nodeBackColor As New NodeColumnBackground()
nodeBackColor.DataFieldName = "BackColor"

' Add nodes.
Dim root As New MyColorNode()
root.Text = "Scheduled tasks"

Dim child As New MyColorNode()
child.Text = "Buy milk"
child.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen

child = New MyColorNode()
child.Text = "Call Mary"
child.BackColor = Color.Red

child = New MyColorNode()
child.Text = "Read new book"
child.BackColor = Nothing

The above code produces the following treeview:

NodeColumnBackground example

Gradient background#

NodeColumnBackground node control also allows you to display color gradients as the node background. To do that, add a property of type ColorGradient to the node class and when creating nodes, adjust gradients that you need to display under the node:


// Add property that holds the gradient.
class MyColorNode : Node
    public ColorGradient BackColor;


// Create node.
MyColorNode child = new MyColorNode();
child.Text = "Buy milk";
child.BackColor = new ColorGradient(Color.Yellow, Color.Tomato);

' Add property that holds the gradient.
Class MyColorNode
    Inherits Node
    Public Property BackColor As ColorGradient
End Class


' Create node.
Dim child As New MyColorNode()
child.Text = "Buy milk"
child.BackColor = New ColorGradient(Color.Yellow, Color.Tomato)
