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Every column can be moved by mouse click and drag. To enable that, enable the Draggable column property (enabled by default). After the column has been moved, the Index (an index in the columns collection) and VisibleIndex (an index in the visible columns collection) column properties will be changed. You can also change the column order programmatically by modifying the Index column property.

Each column can be moved by clicking and dragging with the mouse. To enable this feature, ensure the Draggable property of the column is enabled (it is enabled by default). After a column has been moved, the Index (the position in the columns collection) and VisibleIndex (the position in the visible columns collection) properties of the column will change. You can also change the column order programmatically by modifying the Index property of the column.


The ColumnIndexChanging and ColumnIndexChanged treeview events are triggered before and after a column is reordered, respectively.

Column order#

To prevent a column from being moved to a specific position, subscribe to the ColumnIndexChanging treeview event and set the args.Cancel event parameter for those positions by analyzing the args.NewIndex event parameter.